Nature retreats

Tiveden Nature Retreat

9-13 September 2024.

It's a retreat to nature and yourself. An opportunity for you to break away from the routines of everyday life and society to reconnect with your inner self and nature.

A longer stay in the forest helps you see your life situation with new perspectives and aids in making important life decisions.

Price: 5990 SEK.
Pay 590 SEK upon registration, final payment by 9th July.

Forest bath

For groups and private parties.

Quiet exercises in nature that strengthen your presence in nature. Relax from stress and calm the mind. Forest bathing is conducted at Omberg and in Tiveden, and can currently only be booked by groups.

400 SEK per person.
Minimum price: 4000 SEK per group

Nature meditations

For groups and private parties.

Find your peace in the forest clearing or by the stream and rest from the noise of everyday life. Let the rocks, plants, and animals remind you of what you are a part of and what matters most in your life.

Price: 300 SEK per person.
Minimum price: 3000 SEK per group.